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This project provides a set of headers and wrappers designed to facilitate the use of ScaLAPACK and its components, PBLAS and BLACS, in C.

Like LAPACKe, they are lightweight wrappers that streamline the integration of ScaLAPACK functionalities into C applications, in a predictable way.

Below is an example of using the wrapper to perform eigenvalue and eigenvector computations with PDSYEV:

/* Inspired by
 * Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a NxN real symmetric matrix `A`, where: `A[i,j] = 1/(1+.5*fabs(i-j))`.
 * Check if they match by comparing with `|A * x_i - e_i * x_i|`, where `e_i` is the eigenvalue associated with `x_i`.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

#include <scalapacke_blacs.h>
#include <scalapacke_pblas.h>
#include <scalapacke.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    // constant
    lapack_int N = 128, blk_size = 32, lwork;
    // global
    lapack_int nprocs, ctx_sys, glob_nrows, glob_ncols, glob_i, glob_j;
    // local
    lapack_int  iam, loc_row, loc_col, loc_nrows, loc_ncols, loc_lld, info;

    lapack_int desc_A[9], desc_r[9];
    double *A, *Ap, *X, *w, *r, *work;
    double norm_res, norm_X;

    // initialize BLACS & system context
    SCALAPACKE_blacs_pinfo(&iam, &nprocs);
    SCALAPACKE_blacs_get(0, 0, &ctx_sys);

    // create the grid
    glob_nrows = (lapack_int) sqrt((double) nprocs);
    glob_ncols = nprocs / glob_nrows;

    SCALAPACKE_blacs_gridinit(&ctx_sys, "R", glob_nrows, glob_ncols);
    SCALAPACKE_blacs_gridinfo(ctx_sys, &glob_nrows, &glob_ncols, &loc_row, &loc_col);

    if(loc_row >= 0) { // if I'm in grid
        // compute length and create arrays
        loc_nrows = SCALAPACKE_numroc(N, blk_size, loc_row, 0, glob_nrows);
        loc_ncols = SCALAPACKE_numroc(N, blk_size, loc_col, 0, glob_ncols);
        loc_lld = loc_nrows; // column major

        A = calloc(loc_nrows * loc_ncols, sizeof(double));
        Ap = calloc(loc_nrows * loc_ncols, sizeof(double));
        X = calloc(loc_nrows * loc_ncols, sizeof(double));
        w = calloc(N, sizeof(double ));
        r = calloc(loc_nrows, sizeof(double));

        if(A == NULL ||X == NULL || w == NULL) {
            printf("%d :: cannot allocate :(\n", iam);

        // fill array locally
        for(lapack_int loc_j=0; loc_j < loc_ncols; loc_j++) {
            // translate local j to global j
            glob_j = SCALAPACKE_indxl2g(loc_j + 1, blk_size, loc_col, 0, glob_ncols) - 1;
            for(lapack_int loc_i=0; loc_i < loc_nrows; loc_i++) {
                glob_i = SCALAPACKE_indxl2g(loc_i + 1, blk_size, loc_row, 0, glob_nrows) - 1;

                // set A[i,j]
                if(glob_i <= glob_j) {
                    A[loc_j * loc_nrows + loc_i] = 1. / (1. + .5 * fabs((double) (glob_i - glob_j)));
                    Ap[loc_j * loc_nrows + loc_i] = A[loc_j * loc_nrows + loc_i];

        // create descriptor for A, X, and r
        SCALAPACKE_descinit(desc_A, N, N, blk_size, blk_size, 0, 0, ctx_sys, loc_lld);
        SCALAPACKE_descinit(desc_r, N, 1, blk_size, blk_size, 0, 0, ctx_sys, loc_lld);

        // request lwork
        double tmpw;
        SCALAPACKE_pdsyev_work("V", "U", N, Ap, 1, 1, desc_A, w, X, 1, 1, desc_A, &tmpw, -1);
        lwork = (lapack_int) tmpw;

        // compute the eigenvalues and vectors
        // NOTE: like dsyev(), the content of A is irremediably destroyed in the process :(
        work = calloc(lwork, sizeof(double ));
        info = SCALAPACKE_pdsyev_work("V", "U", N, Ap, 1, 1, desc_A, w, X, 1, 1, desc_A, work, lwork);

        if(info != 0) {
            printf("%d :: error: info is %d\n", iam, info);

        double max_residual = .0f;
        double norm_A = SCALAPACKE_pdlange_work("F", N, N, A, 1, 1, desc_A, work);

        for(lapack_int i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
            // compute `r = A * x_i`
            // according to the doc of pdsyev, eigenvectors are located in columns
            SCALAPACKE_pdsymv("U", N,
                    1., A, 1, 1, desc_A,
                    X, 1, i, desc_A, 1,
                    .0, r, 1, 1, desc_r, 1

            // compute `r = r - e_i * x_i`
                    -w[i - 1], X, 1, i, desc_A, 1,
                    r, 1, 1, desc_r, 1

            // compute norm of x_i and r
            norm_X = SCALAPACKE_pdlange_work( "F", N, 1, X, 1, i, desc_A, work);
            norm_res = SCALAPACKE_pdlange_work("F", N, 1, r, 1, 1, desc_r, work);
            double eps = SCALAPACKE_pdlamch(ctx_sys, "e");
            double residual = norm_res / (2 * norm_A * norm_X * eps); // might not be the correct residual :(

            if (residual > max_residual)
                max_residual = residual;

            if(iam == 0) {
                if(residual > 10) {
                    printf("%d :: residual for eigenvalue %d is %f > 10, aborting\n", iam, i, residual);

        if(iam == 0) {
            printf("%d :: largest residual is %f\n", iam, max_residual);

        // free

    } else
        printf("%d :: i'm out!\n", iam);

    // finalize BLACS
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;