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Install and contribute¤

Install (for contributors)¤

If you only want to use scaLAPACKe in your project, you should rather check this page.

You should preliminarily check that you have:

  1. A working MPI library and compiler (generally referred to as mpicc),
  2. The Meson build system, with a backend (generally ninja). This is probably available in you package manager.
  3. A linear algebra backend which provides scaLAPACK (netlib, MKL, AOCL, etc).

The first step is to fork the repository and clone your fork:

git clone
cd scalapacke

Few tools that are used to manage this project are written in or use Python. It is therefore a good idea to install them:

# virtualenv
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
make install-dev  # or pip install -e .[dev]

Note that all other commands in this documentation assume that you have activated the virtualenv :)


Contributions, either with issues or pull requests are welcomed.

Some tips:

  • Before contributing, check the contributors' notes.

  • A good place to start is the list of issues. In fact, it is easier if you start by filling an issue, and if you want to work on it, says so there, so that everyone knows that the issue is handled.

  • Don't forget to work on a separate branch. Since this project follow the git flow, you should base your branch on dev, not work in it directly:

    git checkout -b new_branch origin/dev
  • Don't forget to regularly run the linting (for python) and tests (for the library):

    make lint
    meson test -C _build/

    Indeed, the code follows the PEP-8 style recommendations, checked by flake8, for the python part. Having an extensive test suite is also a good idea to prevent regressions.

  • If you want to see and edit the doc, you can run the mkdocs webserver:

    mkdocs serve
  • Pull requests should be unitary, and include unit test(s) and documentation if needed. The test suite and lint must succeed for the merge request to be accepted.