Quantities (qcip_tools.quantities
Deal with units. For unit management, the Pint library is used, which already define a whole bunch of units and constants. Only slight adjustments are needed, with the help of the scipy constant module.
API documentation
Quantum Chemistry In Python (QCIP) tools package.
- exception qcip_tools.ValueOutsideDomain(val, min_, max_, help_='')
Raised when a value is larger or lower that given boundaries
- qcip_tools.quantities.AMUToElectronMass = 1822.8884862173131
Convert atomic mass units to electron mass
- qcip_tools.quantities.AuToAngstrom = 0.529177210903
Convert bohr to angstrom
- qcip_tools.quantities.Q_
Shortcut for quantities
- qcip_tools.quantities.convert(from_, to_, value=1.0)
Conversion factor from one unit to the other
- Parameters:
from (pint.unit.Unit) – base unit
to (pint.unit.Unit) – converted unit
value (float) – value to convert
- qcip_tools.quantities.ureg = <pint.registry.UnitRegistry object>
Unit registry. Include definitions for: